Warranty terms

When shopping at Museliving as a consumer, you have a 28-day warranty. This means that you can either get the item repaired, exchanged, money back or refusal of the price, depending on the specific situation.

It is a requirement that the complaint is justified and that the defect has not arisen as a result of improper use of the product or other damaging behaviour.
You must complain within “reasonable time” after you have discovered the defect in the product. If you complain within 30 days after the defect is discovered, the complaint will always be timely.
If the complaint is justified, we will refund your (reasonable) delivery costs. The product must always be returned in proper packaging and remember to get a receipt for shipment so that we can refund your delivery costs.

Museliving LLC
E-mail: info@museliving.eu
Tel. +48 607153627

Please send the product to:
Museliving LLC
Klimczaka Str., 17/80
02-797 Warsaw
+48 607153627

Cancellation of a purchase

You can cancel any item on an order for a refund, within 28 days of receiving your order.
The return period expires 28 days after the day you received your item, or you receive the last item from a multiple-items-in-a-single-order is delivered individually.
If the item consists of several lots or parts, the return period expires 28 days after the day you receive the last lot, or the last part in physical possession.
You must inform us within 28 days of receiving the product that you wish to cancel your purchase. The message must be provided by writing to: info@museliving.eu.
You cannot cancel a purchase by simply refusing to receive the goods without giving us clear notice of this.

Cancellation of part of the purchase

If you have purchased several items with us, you have the option of returning one or more items, even if they are purchased under one order.
Please note that the delivery costs will not be refunded if you cancel parts of your purchase.
Items that are exempted from the right of cancellation

The following product types are exempted from the right of withdrawal:
Delivery of sealed goods which, for health or hygiene reasons, are not suitable to be returned and where the seal has been broken after delivery
Goods/products manufactured specifically according to your wishes (manufacturing purchases/species purchases/custom purchases).
You will lose your right of cancellation if you break the seal on goods which for health or hygiene reasons are not suitable for return.


You must return your order to us without undue delay, and no later than 14 days after you have informed us that you wish to cancel your purchase. You must pay the direct costs in connection with the return shipment. You hold the risk of the goods from the time of delivery of the goods.
Certain goods, by their very nature, cannot be returned by normal mail. This applies to: wine barrels and wine furniture.

The item’s condition when you return it

You are only liable for any deterioration of the value of the product due to handling other than that necessary to determine the nature of the product, its characteristics and the manner in which it operates. In other words, you can try out the product in the same way as if you tried it in a physical store, but you are not allowed to take it in actual use.
If the item has been tested in addition to what is described above, we consider it as used, which means that upon cancellation of the purchase you will only receive part or none of the purchase amount, depending on the item’s commercial value.

Sale items

Only regular priced items may be refunded. Sale items cannot be refunded.

Reimbursement of purchase amount

If you regret your purchase, you will get back the amount you paid to us. In case of an impairment that you are liable for, this amount will be deducted the purchase amount.
If you use your right of cancellation, we will refund all payments received from you, including delivery costs (excluding additional costs due to your own choice of form of delivery, other than the cheapest form of standard delivery we offer), without undue delay and at all circumstances no later than 14 days from the date on which we received notice of your decision to cancel this agreement.

We will make such a refund with the same payment method you used in the original transaction unless you have explicitly agreed otherwise.
We may withhold the refund until we have received the returned items, unless you have previously submitted documentation that you have already returned the items.

In case of cancellation and returns, the items must be shipped to:

Museliving LLC
Klimczaka Str., 17/80
02-797 Warsaw
+48 607153627

You can also cancel by giving clear message and returning items in person at the above address by prior arrangement.
We do not receive packages without distribution or packages sent per cash on delivery.


If you want to complain about your purchase, please contact our support at Tel.: +48 607153627.

If you are a consumer residing in another EU country than Poland, you can appeal to the EU Commission’s online complaint portal here – http://ec.europa.eu/odr.

Standard complaints form
This form is completed and returned only if the right of complaints is claimed.

Museliving LLC
Klimczaka Str., 17/80
02-797 Warsaw

Email: info@museliving.eu
I hereby declare that I wish to apply the right of cancellation regarding my purchase agreement for the following goods/services:

Order date:___________________ Reception date:___________________

Consumer name: ______________________________________

Consumer address: ______________________________________

Consumer signature (only if this form is printed on paper):

Date: _______________